Wednesday 23 November 2016

Training for LSPs for Goat farming

Livestock is an integral part of the mixed-farming system that characterizes agriculture in Assam.For many poor households, livestock is a daily source of earning and is an insurance against adversity. As Assam is a state of limited benefits of green revolution technologies and climatic uncertainties, livestock has the potential to contribute to farm diversification and intensification.

Assam has a goat population of more than 60 lakh of which Assam hill goat is one of the prominent breeds. The Assam hill goat is of the dwarf variety but is an exceptionally good quality meat producer. Therefore, it is important to upgrade local goat population through artificial insemination. By learning about goat farming in a scientific way , farmers will be able to increase their earnings.

It is for this purpose that RGVN had conducted a 6 day training programme for Local Service Providers at the Goat Research Centre, Byrnihat and the College of Veterinary Science, Khanapara.

Read the full report here.